Using the ICA cooperative model in Vietnam

After the success of land reform in the North of our country, during the period from 1955 to 1957, the restoration and rebuilding National Economy started with a new manner of working together in rural areas. Having reallocated lands, Farmers self- organized thousands groups of “mutual help” and “work exchange” to cooperate and help each other in their production. The movement started in volunteer spirit.
Its structure was simply based on the spirit of exchange and help each other among people who have the same situation, the same difficulties in production and life.
The process of organizing and monitoring were very democratic thank to its volunteer spirit, simple structure and obviousness. Everyone had right to discuss and together make decisions. The movement was very effective to promote production and build new rural life especially when we had to correct our fault of land reform and reorganization. The statistic data then shows that our productivity was raised by 1 million tons. The hunger disaster was eliminated and we even gained surplus.
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