Partnerships advocating and documenting successful family farming programs in select ASEAN countries


AsiaDHRRA is conducting a series of round table consultations with its partner DHRRAs and farmer organizations in the network to assess the status of United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) implementation in the countries.   Earlier, AsiaDHRRA has worked jointly with the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on documentation and systematic analysis of case studies on policies, strategies, initiatives, and programs supporting family farming.  The project was Activity 2 of a Series of Activities in the Framework of the UN Decade of Family Farming and implemented from November 2021 to December 2022 with funding and technical support on research design from the FAO.

The selected case studies covered Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, the Philippines, and Thailand, which addressed the other Pillars of the UNDFF 2019-2028 – Global Action Plan and was a follow-up on the previous case studies conducted in 2020-2021, focused primarily on Public Policies in Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Additionally, the activity aimed to study innovative experiences, policy, and thematic areas such as access and use of technologies to facilitate the development of tools to support family farming through governments and countries’ interventions and applications.  Below are the case studies coordinated and documented in five Southeast Asian countries:

  1. Contract-Based Agriculture Production: A Case Study of Organic Rice Production in Cambodia
  2. Agro-Tourism Development in Indonesia: The Case of Yogyakarta and Bali
  3. The Role of Law No. 6 of 2014 Concerning Villages in Strengthening Family Farming in Indonesia
  4. Documentation and Systematic Analysis of Nutrition Strategies and Programs Supporting Family Farming in Lao PDR
  5. Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) and the Expanded Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (EPAHP) Program
  6. Thailand’s Young Smart Farmer (YSF) Program


The seven mutually reinforcing pillars of work of the UNDFF Global Action Plan:

  1. Pillar 01 – Develop an enabling policy environment to strengthen family farming
  2. Pillar 02 – Support youth and ensure the generational sustainability of family farming.
  3. Pillars 3 – Promote gender equity in family farming and the leadership role of rural women
  4. Pillar 04 – Strengthen family farmers’ organizations and capacities to generate knowledge, represent farmers and provide inclusive services in the urban-rural continuum
  5. Pillar 05 – Improve socio-economic inclusion, resilience, and well-being of family farmers, rural households and communities
  6. Pillar 06 – Promote sustainability of family farming for climate-resilient food systems
  7. Pillar 07 – Strengthen the multi-dimensionality of family farming to promote social innovations contributing to territorial development and food systems that safeguard biodiversity, environment, and culture


Related news: AsiaDHRRA and SEARCA case writers’ meeting


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