Summary of CSO Inputs – 2nd AMAF-Private Sector Dialogue on Food Security

Summary of CSO Inputs (Cross-cutting)
2nd AMAF-Private Sector Dialogue on Food Security
September 27, 2012
Vientiane, Lao PDR
Your excellencies from the ASEAN Ministers of Agriculture and Forestry (AMAF), once again, on behalf of the CSO delegation, please accept our sincere appreciation for this opportunity to dialogue with you. Our strong presence here indicates our commitment to pursue this dialogue process through the PPD platform to pursue a shared policy agenda among members of civil society in the Asean region, in relation to our common fight for food sovereignty/security. We also come to hear updates from the 1st PPD in Jakarta in 2011, and to reiterate our intent and actions to contribute to the progression of this important dialogue process.
Read the full text of the Summary of CSO Inputs………


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