Sharing on Good Practices for Poverty Reduction

AsiaDHRRA joined the CIIR’s round table discussion o­n Development NGO Good Practices in Poverty Reduction last February 27-28, 2004 at Sulu Hotel, Quezon City. The forum looked into a framework of documenting good practices that was used to capture key elements of good practices in three countries.
Case studies featuring good practices in Indonesia, Philippines and Cambodia were presented e.g. PhilDHRRA’s Sustainable Integrated Area Development (SIAD) experience in Mindanao, the advocacy experience o­n agrarian reform by KPA in Indonesia, as presented by InDHRRA, and CEDAC’s farmer organizing effort in Cambodia through a rice production technology transfer.
AsiaDHRRA’s commentary highlighted the network’s intention to contribute to the development of a mechanism that will promote good practices of NGOs and POs o­n rural poverty reduction through the launching of the South East Asian Rural Development Award (SEARDA), which hopes to recognize exemplary efforts of civil society for rural development.


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