SEEDS Project Orientation to select farmers organization in Cambodia


From 27 to 29 May 2024, the Cambodhrra project management team visited and oriented seven farming communities in three selected provinces targeted for implementing the Smallholder Economic Empowerment through Digital Solutions (SEEDS) project.

The team assessed seven agricultural cooperatives (AC) in three select provinces, as their partner farmer organizations suggested, including the FNN, FWN, FAEC, and CACA. The objective of the visits was to gather information regarding the overall status of the AC’s products, services, and businesses to identify further possibilities for SEEDS intervention. The ACs selected are Chey Chumneas and Teuk Hot Meanchey Kdey Sangkheum (in Kampong Chhnang), Samaki Omlaing and Samaki Sangke Satop (in Kampong Speu), Sambour Chamroeun Phal, Champa Prey Pdao and Tuol Preah Vihear (in Takeo).

The orientation and assessment with the AC committees revolved around topics covering the SEEDS project and relevant data concerning agribusiness, services, and product status generated from their reports. The significance of the SEEDs project in accelerating the digital modernization of ACs was specified. Thus, the assessment was completed, and follow-up plans were developed.


SEEDS is AsiaDHRRA’s project that aims to accelerate the modernization of smallholder households in poor rural areas through digital and ICT solutions and interventions covering Cambodia, Philippines, and Vietnam, co-implemented by GrowAsia and funded by the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs through IFAD.


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