Second Day Summary of Proceedings of the Preparatory Workshop for the 2nd AMAF Private Sector Dialogue on Food Security

On the second day, September 7, 23 representatives from ASEAN Senior Officials and Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (SOM-AMAF) from eight (8) ASEAN member States (AMS) joined the representatives of private sector to discuss and learn about the issues that were identified by participants from previous day’s workshops.
Ms. Sylvie Doutriaux of  the US Agency for International Development welcomed the participants to the workshop.
Dr. Tahlim Sudaryanto of SOM-AMAF gave a brief introductory remarks and provided the participants an overview of AMAF’s Private Sector Dialogue initiatives that started two years back in June 2010 held in Singapore.
Dr. David Dyer, again presented the rationale of the Preparatory Workshop to the 2nd AMAF Private Sector Dialogue scheduled on September 27, 2012 in Ventiane, Lao PDR.  He reiterated that a well-prepared participation to the 2nd AMAF Private Sector Dialogue will result to more meaningful and responsive outcomes.
Continue reading the summary of the second day……..


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