Presentation of Asia-Pacific’s past three years’ achievements of the UNDFF implementation


Mr. Pan Sopheap, AsiaDHRRA Vice-Chairperson, and CamboDHRRA Chairperson presented the achievements on behalf of Asia-Pacific of the past three years of the UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) implementation and key messages from the preparatory regional dialogue at the First Global Forum of the UNDFF 2019-2028.


He highlighted the promotion and awareness of UNDFF amidst the pandemic during the Ministerial Session of the 35th FAO Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (APRC) in 2020 and a specific side event on the UNDFF at the 36th FAO APRC this year.  Sub-regionally in the ASEAN, UNDFF-focused regional initiatives were successfully integrated into the near-final draft of the ASEAN Master Plan on Rural Development for 2022-2027.  In South Asia, the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) has supported the developing and publishing of a Regional Action Plan for Family Farming.

At the national level, he cited the progress of the National Action Plans or NAPS approved and implemented at different stages in Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines, while mobilization of stakeholders to develop the NAP in Bangladesh, India, Japan, and Lao PDR is still ongoing.  He also discussed the critical issues faced by family farmers, particularly in developing their organization and building their capacities.  In addition, the general lack of understanding of family farming and the UNDFF remains another challenge in its implementation; hence, it requires further effort for more awareness in the region.  Lastly, he affirmed the lessons learned from experiences calling for strengthened multi-stakeholder processes, engagement, and robust partnership and advocacy.

The First Global Forum of the UN Decade of Family Farming 2019-2028 was held in a virtual modality from 19 to 22 September 2022 and co-organized by FAO-IFAD.  The event contributes to identifying priority policies and technical areas that will shape the UNDFF for the next implementation period.


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