Phildhrra holds 21st General Assembly

PhilDHRRA held their 21st GA from August 15-17, 2012 at the Ritz Hotel at Garden Oases. Bo. Obrero,  Davao City.  The theme for this this year’s GA, ““LOOKING BACK, STRENGTHENING SYNERGY AND ACHIEVING GREATER IMPACT IN SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT” builds on previous results of PhilDHRRA’s GA and 25th Anniversary.
The objectives for the GA were:

  1. Review and affirm PhilDHRRA’s SIAD (Sustainable Integrated Aread Development) strategy, including the enhancing elements and features based on PhilDHRRA and its members’ application as a strategy in pursuing rural development agenda;
  2. Validate the Draft five-year strategic plan of PhilDHRRA for the next planning period including agreements on roles and commitment;
  3. Adoption of Proposed Amendments to PhilDHRRA Constitution and By-Laws.

Partners from FPE, PAKISAMA, CODE-NGO, and Asiadhrra joined the event which was also graced by Secretary Dinky Soliman of the Department of Social Welfare and Development, a founding leader of the DHRRA network. The outgoing Chairperson, Mr. Chaco Molina handed over the national leadership to the newly elected national Chairperson, Mr. Bimbo Fernandez of Pagtambayayong Foundation.
Asiadhrra presents during the 21st Phildhrra GA


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