1. double cocoa tree productivity from 0,5 Kg/tree/year to 1-1,2 Kg/tree/year;
2. increase number of family farmers from 140 in 1 hamlet, to 1,300 family farmers in 45 villagers;
3. improve positioning; now provider of cacao seedlings for farmers, act as consolidator of fermented cacao beans, process their own commodity to become end products;
4. increase income from EUR 2.500 in 2017 to EUR 30.000 in 2019 5. increase the inclusivity of women and youth in the organization; and
6. gain recognition from other parties such as Utama Class Award, the highest class of Farmer Organization awarded by the Ministry of Agriculture that assess planning, organizational management, organizational activities, monitoring and reporting, and leadership capacities of FOs in Indonesia.