CSO meeting in preparation of forest resources management in Lao PDR


AsiaDHRRA’s partner organization, Lao Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (Lao DHRRA), participated in a meeting on forest resources management organized by the Lao Civil Society Organization Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (Lao CSO FLEGT) on 2-3 July 2024 at Vientiane Plaza Hotel, Lao PDR.  The event was a preparatory meeting that discussed the community-level activities to manage forests, including appropriate tools to be implemented in ten provinces in the country.

The consultation highlighted the development of information materials and mechanisms to facilitate and promote knowledge exchanges among targeted local communities.   Similarly, the meeting intended to develop and improve existing plans to organize context-based activities customized to specific villages.  Moreover, the subjects covered the importance and accountability of forest resources and their management, forest registrations, natural wood from private land and village forests, and FLEGT programs.

The gathering was attended by 15 participants, eight of whom were women members from ten CSOs receiving funding from the project. It was chaired by LaoDHRRA’s Board Committee and Lao CSO FLEGT President Mr. BounKeua Vongsalad (PhD).


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