Lao Cooperation Continuing

AsiaDHRRA visited the Lao Community Development Association (LCDA) last February 10-11, 2006. A dialogue with the leaders of LCDA and an exchange on the situation of the local NPOs in Lao took place. During the visit, preparations related to the conduct of a forum among local NPOs was discussed. It was agreed that a mapping of existing and potential NPOs will be pursued by LCDA as an entry point for dialogue and means to identify existing initiatives, resources, and challenges, which are relevant points for discussion during the intended forum in April 2006.

In Laos, there are some farmers who practice group farming to facilitate the common use of available water from small ponds within the village. A brief community visit revealed the challenges faced by farmers in the villages. Most of the farmers complained about the absence of irrigation facilities. They cannot maximize their crop production since they are just dependent on the rain. LCDA had implemented some small projects to help farmers on this concern but they mentioned that they need more support in terms of technology and funding focusing on appropriate irrigation system for farmers.


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