JaDHRRA Study Tour

JaDHRRA in partnership with PhilDHRRA and AsiaDHRRA conducted a study tour last March 11-18, 2005. It was participated by sixteen (16) students and professors from two Japanese universities (Kobe and Otemon Gaukin University). Thematically, their interests were on health, education, and agrarian reform.
The group visited various rural communities in Sorsogon, Albay, and Camarines Sur. They were warmly welcomed by local PhilDHRRA members and were oriented on their community based efforts. The group experienced rural life as they stayed in the homes of farmers’ families in an agrarian reform community in Pecuaria, Bula, and Camarines Sur. The students also enjoyed their time with the Fatima Center where they generously shared their skill in origami to the Center’s orphan children. On top of this, the group enjoyed the scenic and tourist sites in the countryside
The visit strengthened the ties between the two DHRRAs as they were able to discuss and share experiences on various development issues significant to both countries. To deepen their understanding on issues, orientation was also given by a resource person from the Department of Education and a Health expert. They were also warmly welcomed by the Secretary of the Department of Land Reform and were given a brief on the government’s AR program. The study tour was capped with a dialogue with academics and economists from the Ateneo de Manila University School of Economics to broaden their understanding of the macro-economic situation in the Philippines, including Japan –Philippine trade relations.


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