Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) in Asia Knowledge Management Workshop

Nov 9-11, 2012
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
A knowledge sharing and learning session among implementors of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) in Asia which include national farmers organizations in Nepal (All Nepal Peasant Federation Association for Nepal or ANPFa), Bangladesh (Action Aid Bangladesh for Kendrio Krishok Moitree or AA-B-KKM), Cambodia (Farmers and Nature Net or FNN), Mongolia (Adventists Development and Relief Agency or ADRA),  AFA and AsiaDHRRA, together with other members of Agricord, IFAD and ADB  is scheduled on November 9 – 11 in Phnom Pehn, Cambodia. The Farmers Nature Net, the largest small farmers organization in Cambodia will host the meeting.

Farmer and Nature Net (FNN) for Cambodia, All Nepal Peasant Federation Association for Nepal (ANPFa), Action Aid Bangladesh for Kendrio Krishok Moitree (AA-B-KKM) for Bangladesh, and Adventists Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) for Mongolia.
The results of the meeting will feed into efforts in strengthening farmers organizations’ involvement in government’s agri-related policies and programs as well as in future project proposals that may be developed to support FO involvement in policy making processes for GAFSP.
The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) is a multilateral mechanism to assist in the implementation of pledges made by the G20 in Pittsburgh in September 2009. The objective is to address the underfunding of country and regional agriculture and food security strategic investment plans already being developed by countries in consultation with donors and other stakeholders at the country-level. This will make aid contributions toward the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal 1 to cut hunger and poverty by half by 2015 more predictable.
The GAFSP includes both a public and private sector financing window:
The public sector window assists strategic country-led or regional programs that result from sector-wide country or regional consultations and planning exercises such as CAADP in Africa. The public sector window is under the external governance of a Steering Committee composed of an equal number of voting donor and recipient representatives, and non-voting representatives from: the Trustee, UN agencies, potential Supervising Entities (MDBs, World Bank, IFAD), and Civil Society Organizations.
The private sector window is designed to provide long and short term loans, credit guarantees and equity to support private sector activities for improving agricultural development and food security.  The private sector window is managed separately by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) with the annual investment plans submitted to and endorsed by the (public sector window) Steering Committee.
The GAFSP is implemented as a Financial Intermediary Fund for which the World Bank serves as Trustee.  The World Bank also hosts a small coordination unit that provides support to the GAFSP Steering Committee.


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