Supporting palm sugar FOs in Vietnam advancing to a full-fledged cooperative


AsiaDHRRA’s Senior Program Manager, Mr. Cezar Belangel, convened a meeting with the An Giang Farmers Union (AGFU) project management committee on 20 February 2022. He was accompanied by Ms. Nguyen Viet Ha, Vice Director of International Cooperation of Vietnam Farmers Union (VNFU), and received by AGFU’s project management committee Director, Mr. Le Hung Cuong. AGFU assists 11 farmers’ organizations (FOs) in producing palm sugar and products like sugar juices, rice cakes, and handicrafts from palm leaves from the districts of Tinh Bien and Tri Ton.

The FOs are set to achieve a full cooperative structure, aiming to establish a Nhon Hung commune group into a full-fledged cooperative by 2023. The group also aims to level up its market promotion, expand market outlets, and reach a fully operational business structure. AsiaDHRRA, through its Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) programme, supports AGFU in achieving such targets.

FO4A is capacity-building assistance supported by AsiaDHRRA in cooperation with AgriCord and funding from IFAD-EU.


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