Food Crisis, the Impact of Marginalization of Peasants and Farming

“Farmers, your destiny now: you are overestimated in the noble hope by the law makers, are restricted in the legislation of law, are tricked by big companies and are forced to plant certain variety of plants by the government”.
This is exposed by a teacher in a lecture in a state’s university in Jakarta. Is it common? Perhaps the farmers are experiecing it. Not few of legislations are passed to cheat out of the sector that becomes the life source of most population on this agricultural land. The catastrophe appears before the eyes of farmers and other small people.
Of the total 181,1 million hectares of land in Indonesia, one fourth or 44.8 million hectare- land is for agriculture. The agriculture sector in Indonesia contributes 15.2% to the GDP in 2004 and provides labors for 43.8% of Indonesian people in 2001 and 11.37 of export incomes and it generates 12.10% of total import payment (presentation of Asian Farmers Association/AFA, November 2008 research)
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