First VNFU Policy Advocacy Training Workshop held

VNFU Policy Advocacy Workshop
The first training workshop of the project “Building VNFU staff and leaders’ Capacity in Policy Advocacy” was organized and held in Hai Duong Province in Vietnam. A total of 34 participants from Provincial Farmers Union in the northern part of Vietnam came to participate. Ms. Pham Thi Thu Binh, chairwoman of Hai Duong Farmers Union welcomed the participants.
VNFU Policy Advocacy Workshop
Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dinh brief the participants on the context why the project is important to VNFU. In the past years, the Party and the State has issued many laws, policies and guidelines to create a favorable living conditions of farmers by developing their productive capacities, improve their incomes and develop agricultural enterprises. But today, many farmers continue to face many difficulties. Current laws and policies are not enough. VNFU as a socio-political organization representing around 10 million farmers in the country is obliged to continue promote the attainment of goals and objectives that seek out better well-being and life of farmers. It is in this context that VNFU is implementing this project to improve capacities in constructively engaging government for the enactment and legislation of policies that are seen to improve the life of farmers.
VNFU Policy Advocacy Workshop
Members of the Project Management Unit (PMU) headed by Mr. Nguyen Xuan Dinh, ICD Director, Mr. Nguyen Hong Son, Vice Director for Social, Population and Family Department, Mr.  Le Van Khoi, Vice Director of Training and Communication Department of VNFU organized the training workshop.  Mr. Florante Villas of AsiaDHRRA , Ms. Lany Rebagay of AFA and constructive engagement expert Ms. Madett  Gardiola assisted the PMU members in the conduct of the workshop. VietDHRRA and SRD also join AsiaDHRRA and VNFU in this cooperation.
The project is made possible through the funding support of the Belgian Development Cooperation through Agricord.


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