Empowering and Engaging Rural People with the Market: AsiaDHRRA Experience

As a regional network, the most significant contribution of AsiaDHRRA is the formation of a regional federation of farmers – the Asian Farmers’Association for Sustainable Rural Development or AFA, a regional alliance of farmer federations and organizations in ten Asian countries, representing 9 million farmers. Established in May 2002, its formation was a fruit of a three-year five Farmers’ Exchange Visits (FEVs) organized by AsiaDHRRA.The farmers’ exchange visits focused on sustainable production technology, trading and marketing as well as in federation building. In July 2006, in partnership with AFA, AsiaDHRRA organized another farmer exchange visit focusing on pro-small farmer marketing system. The exchange visit looked into various direct producer – consumer marketing arrangements in Japan.

The network also conducted studies on alternative agricultural trading and marketing initiatives. Five good practices on marketing from four countries and one at the regional level was chosen to highlight workable features of alternative agricultural marketing model. The first draft was presented during a parallel forum with the WTO in Hongkong last December 2005.
The network together with its strategic PO partner AFA, also launched series of in-country consultations and campaigns on fairer and just agricultural trade thru posters, issue papers, signature campaign, workshops. A Regional workshop among farmers, NGOs and government trade negotiators on Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) was also undertaken to provide venue for farmer and NGO leaders to influence country representatives to WTO on issues related to food sovereignty, fairer and just agricultural trade.

AsiaDHRRA also mobilized its DHRRA members to share country experiences in joining WTO (particularly the impact of their accession to WTO to farmers) to other DHRRA members and partners in Vietnam and Cambodia – both applying for membership to WTO.

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One Response

  1. firstly i want to congratulated AsiaDHRRA for the great job the do accross Asia continent. Helping farmers throught work in network to overcome the daily problem the face in their profession. Sincerely i think that AsiaDHRRA has now a very pertinent nohow that it will be good to share with others organizations of farmers accross the world not only in ASIA. particularly farmers organization of central africa.So it is possible for farmers of another continent to joint your network?
    if yes what is the procedure?
    I’m incoming genrating activity officer in world agraforestry center in cameroon. So i’m helping farmers groups to gained much money through their activities.
    Thank you

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