Dr. Wen-Chi Huang presents Taiwan country paper on Agro-tourism workshop

ROC Country paper on Agro-tourism Development for Creation of Rural Jobs and Diversified Income in TaiwanDr. Wen-Chi Huang, TaiwanDHRRA President together with Ms. Li-Lan Liao presented the Taiwan Country paper on Agro-tourism Development for Creation of Rural Jobs and Diversified Income in Taiwan during the Workshop on Agro-tourism Development for Creation of Rural Jobs and Diversified Income held on 4-8 Nov 2008 in Bandung, Indonesia.
The workshop was organized by the Asian Productivity Organization and implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia and Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration, Republic of Indonesia.
Click to download the PDFs of the Taiwan Country paper powerpoint or the full text of the presentation


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