The Economic Enabling Program is an income generating effort for the members of the community initiated by the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas, Malaysia (DHRRA Malaysia) and RUMAH RAPHA. DHRRA Malaysia is a civil society moving towards organizing a strong, self-reliant community through poverty alleviation and people’s empowerment initiatives based on the spirit of dialogue, cooperation and capacity building of human resources. RUMAH RAPHA is an organization based in Taiping, dedicated to serving humanity and focuses on youth’s development, women welfare and other social concerns.
This project aims to plant oil palm trees to generate income for the disadvantaged members of the community. In order to begin the project, a 5.5 hectare land which is located at Lot 837, Jalan Matang, Simpang has been acquired. This program currently has 6 single mothers participating. According to Mr Saravanan, President of DHRRA Malaysia, women are most affected by poverty, discrimination and violence. They also have the potential to facilitate overall changes for the community.
Mr. Alexander s/o Samy Pillai, the program coordinator of RUMAH RAPHA, mentioned that the ladies participating in this project will gain short term of benefits of the project by learning skills needed in agriculture for them to go back to cultivating their own land. Moreover, many ladies profit from such program in the long run. The long term benefits would be the self-sustainability of the project after 7 to 8 years as gross income from the oil palm cultivation will come up to RM3000 per month.
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