Capitalization Workshop: A review and refinement of the RAI Learning Programme


AsiaDHRRA and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly organized a Capitalization Workshop in Vientiane, Lao PDR, from 22-24 March 2023. The meeting gathered the subject matter experts (SMEs) from CamboDHRRA, LaoDHRRA, and PhilDHRRA to capture the lessons learned from the RAI Learning Program (RAI-LP) conducted in 2022 in their respective countries. In addition, the national DHRRAs reviewed the RAI-LP processes and refined the technical recommendations identified during the dialogue events.

The workshop’s exercises have advanced the DHRRA’s capacity to examine extensively the results of challenges and root causes faced by women and youth in agriculture with a clear and better understanding. As a result, a refined strategy paper was drafted by the DHRRAs to forward clear recommendations and concrete actions to address the identified challenges further and to engage women and youth in RAI better.

Some of the observed challenges are the following:

  • Establish a RAI technical working group on youth linked with existing government mechanisms and promote role models for young agri-entrepreneurs (Cambodia)
  • Raise awareness on women’s land rights through multiple channels (e.g., school, community radio) and mainstream gender in the new agriculture-related laws (Lao PDR)
  • Raise awareness on existing loans opportunities and strengthen women’s capacity to access them (Philippines)

A productive exchange of ideas between the DHRRAs transpired during the workshop, specifically on the similar challenges perceived for youth and women’s engagement in RAI. Hence, the DHRRAs outlined the action plans with a series of steps to support the recommendations and, in coordination with AsiaDHRRA and FAO, will monitor the progress of its implementation in the second half of the year. Lastly, feedback captured and documented from the lessons learned on RAI-LP pilots will be used to develop a Training Manual for future replications in other ASEAN countries.

The ASEAN Guidelines on Promoting Responsible Investment in Food, Agriculture, and Forestry (ASEAN-RAI) is a roadmap adopted by the ASEAN Members States in October 2018 and responds to an increasing intra-ASEAN direct agricultural investment in the region. The ASEAN-RAI guideline #3 recognizes the need to empower women and youth to engage in Responsible Agricultural Investments as they play an essential role in agriculture and food systems in the region.

To learn more about this workshop, please follow the link HERE.


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