CamboDHRRA conducts Successor Generation workshop

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Phnom Penh – CamboDHRRA conducted a Successor Generation workshop with the participation of representatives from FNN, Fcfd CambodiaFaec Cambodia, FWN, KOC, AMRU RICE, NGO Forum, Iirr Cambodia, Heifer, OREDA, KADRA and CamboDHRRA secretariat team, some 16 females were present in the said activity. It was held on 21-22 July 2020 at Kohdach View Resort, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

AsiaDHRRA Secretary General, Ms. Marlene Ramirez also joined thru a virtual participation, and shared about the DHRRA philosophy – “musyawarah”, and also highlighted key points on sustaining organizations.

This activity allowed for intergenerational sharing of vision, experiences, and, goals for CamboDHRRA, following the regional AsiaDHRRA Network Successor Generation workshop held on 22-24 July 2019 at Tagaytay City, Philippines.


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