Bringing CSD17 home… for the small producers

Here’s a nicely written and thoughtful article by our very own Ms. Marlene  Ramirez :-), about how the CSD17 process can be made truly relevant to the small producers. This was originally published in Outreach Issues – May 12 Issue. Ms. Marlene is currently participating in the CSD17 in New York.

Bringing CSD17 home… for the small producersAs a development advocate and practitioner from the Southeast Asian region, our policy advocacies have mostly been directed to regional intergovernmental bodies, food and agriculture agencies attached to the UN system, and national governments. CSD 16/17 cycle offered us an opportunity to engage the global UN system on themes which are core to our existence, thus our presence here. From CSD 16 till today, to the implement at the ground level the results of this process.
Read or download the complete article here (PDF)
Visit the CSD-17 policy session website….


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