Bina Swadaya celebrates Bapa Bambang's 70th

“Loyalty is the only [thing] I have and defend”
The preceding sentence was pronounced by Bambang Ismawan when delivering his short message during celebration of his 70th birthday in front of hundreds of invitees and guests on Friday night (7/3).
There are present in the event: Abdurrahman Wahid/Gusdur (former President), Meutia hatta (State Minister of Women empowerment), Romo Franz magnis Suseno (cultured-man & Spiritual Leader), Rudjito (Former President Director of Bank Rakyat Indonesia), Melly G Tan and Imam Prasodjo (Sociologist). Bambang Ismawan is not celebrity who is reflected by a press power.
At that night, 41 years Bambang Ismawan chairs a Non Governmental Organization (NGO), Bina Swadaya, The oldest ever NGO that provided assistance to farmers with technical skill and micro financial support. As your information the organization has published an agricultural magazine, Trubus.
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