ATIGA Unbound

Download ATIGA Unbound!We are releasing another downloadable ebook for your reading pleasure, this time about the Implications of the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) on the livelihood and welfare of small stakeholders in Philippine agriculture and industry
This research on ATIGA was anchored by AsiaDHRRA for the Trade Advocacy Group (TAG) and was undertaken by Ms. Riza Bernabe.
The research attempts to develop concrete and specifi c recommendations on the Philippines’ regional trade policy including positions in regional trade agreements by generating and consolidating information on the capabilities as well as sensitivities of the various sectors with respect to regional trade.
These recommendations can form part of civil society’s advocacy agenda on ATIGA in particular, and ASEAN in general. The research was designed to capture the effect of ATIGA on national trade policies and more importantly, assess the capability of local sectors to compete within its framework of greater regional trade liberalization.
AsiaDHRRA is a member of Trade Advocacy Group (TAG), a platform for trade campaigning and information exchange in the Philippines.
Download the ebook here…


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