Asiadhrra to present in the 2012 ASEAN Social Forestry Network Conference

Mr. Florante Villas, representing Asiadhrra will share a presentation on Asiadhrra’s experiences in engaging with ASEAN and other intergovernmental agencies during the ASEAN Social Forestry Network Civil Society Forum 2012 entitled, ‘ASEAN Civil Society Forum on Social Forestry and Climate Change’.

The Forum will be held on June 2012 at the Angkor Paradise Hotel in Siem Reap, Cambodia back-to-back event with the 3rd ASEAN Social Forestry Network Conference on 12th of June and the 5th ASEAN Social Forestry Network yearly meeting on 14th to 15th of June 2012.

The Civil Society Forum is a venue for civil society organizations to have a discussion on key themes on social forestry and climate change initiatives happening in communities in Southeast Asia, as well as share perspectives on mechanisms and processes in engaging with the ASEAN as a regional platform. The civil society forum aims to build CSO constituency with the ASEAN Social Forestry Network to further facilitate engagement with the ASEAN and its member states.


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