AsiaDHRRA to participate in Asian Forum on CSR (AFCSR)

Ms. Marlene Ramirez and Ms. Lorna David will participate in the AFCSR panel session, entitled “Companies and Communities:  Waging The War Against Poverty” to be held on November 20, 2009  at the  Crowne Plaza Hotel, Manila, Philppines
During this session, AIM will introduce the project, Mainstreaming Poverty Alleviation Initiatives among ASEAN-member Countries.  This project, funded by the ASEAN Foundation through the Japan-ASEAN Solidarity Fund, and developed in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank Regional Technical Assistance Report (ADB RETA) on Regional Knowledge and Partnership Networks on Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Growth, is a research project featuring ten case studies of firms involved in poverty reduction.
It aims to actively and constructively engage the ASEAN with the objective of promoting greater awareness of the ASEAN identity, people-to-people interaction, and collaboration among private and public sector organizations involved in poverty alleviation


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