AsiaDHRRA to participate in ASEC Symposium on Stakeholder Involvement

Ms. Marlene Ramirez, AsiaDHRRA Secretary General,  is set to participate in the ASEAN Secretariat Symposium on Stakeholder Involvement to be held on 23 – 25 Nov 2009 in Jakarta, Indonesia.
The Brainstorming Symposium, organized by ASEAN Secretariat, in coordination with the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) will involve leading representatives from the ASEAN Secretariat (ASEC), officials involved with the ASCC and relevant ASEAN bodies, universities and think-tanks, civil society and other national and regional stakeholders to achieve these following objectives:

  • Assessment of experiences with ASEAN stakeholders in the regional integration process (including a discussion of a recent study on this topic).
  • Exchange views on best practices on successful methods of regional stakeholder dialogue in the socio-cultural sector from the European Union, SADC and MERCOSUR
  • Outline basic features and elements for an organised dialogue of stakeholders at the ASEAN Secretariat’s “1st ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community Forum” on the ASCC
  • Deliberate on a process in preparation, realisation and follow-up to develop the ASEAN Secretariat’s Forum as new participatory method to facilitate the exchange of ideas which may contribute to the ASEAN policy-making process
  • Discuss an overall-topic (e.g. social safety-net, education) and a “Plan of Action” implementing the new structured dialogue with relevant stakeholders and ASEAN officials in 2010.

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