Asiadhrra to participate in the High-Level Consultation Meeting on Integrating Nutrition into ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework and its Strategic Plan of Action for Food Security

Asiadhrra, represented by Mr. Florante Villas, Program Manager, is participating in the High-Level Consultation Meeting on Integrating Nutrition into ASEAN Integrated Food Security Framework and its Strategic Plan of Action for Food Security to be held on Jan 21-Feb. 1, 2013 in Bangkok, Thailand.
Organized by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (FAO RAP), the High-Level Consultation Meeting aims “to provide an opportunity for participants to increase their understanding of agriculture’s role in improving nutrition, intensify dialogue and mutual understanding of each sectors’ role for integration of nutrition into the ASEAN Integrated Food Security framework. The consultation provides a platform for ASEAN/FAO member states, development partners, civil society and farmer organizations, and the private sector in Asia to exchange information on the nutrition and food security situation in the region, arrive at a shared understanding of policy options to address the current situation and identify areas for collaboration.”


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