Asiadhrra to hold 9th General Assembly in Myanmar on October 2-4, 2014

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Asiadhrra will hold its 9th General Assembly on October 2-4, 2014 in Yangon, Myanmar.  The event will also commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the DHRRA Network which was born in 1974 in Swanganiwas, Thailand ushering the birth of country DHRRAs accompanied by CENDHRRA until 1994, when AsiaDHRRA was evolved to focus on the regional DHRRA network process. It will conclude with the approval by the General Assembly of  the AsiaDHRRA thrusts and strategic objectives for 2015-2020.
The General Assembly will commence with a Regional Forum on the theme of: “Empowering Family Farmers and Building Resilient Communities in Rural Asia:  The role of civil society organizations, government, and the donor community”.   (Please see attached a provisional Program).
It aims to bring together AsiaDHRRA partners in the development community to take stock of the progress of rural development and poverty eradication efforts in our region and identify strategic areas for action by the network and its members, hand in hand with many of its partners. It also hopes to create further convergence of understanding among  DHRRA leaders and development partners on the priority issues confronted by family farmers, small scale food producers, and marginalized rural communities in the context of the International Year of Family Farming 2014.  Likewise, having the GA in Myanmar will bring a deeper understanding among DHRRA leaders and partners of  the rural development context and strategic areas for cooperation in Myanmar, in light of the on-going and planned cooperation in the country with partner farmers’ organizations, CSOs, and other rural development players, including government.


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