Bangkok, Thailand – Key actors from different constituencies and countries gather in Bangkok on 29-30 January 2020, for the biennial Civil Society Consultation, in preparation for the 35th FAO Asia-Pacific Regional Conference (APRC) to be held in Bhutan on 17-20 February 2020.
The consultation was organized to: (1) strengthen partnership and engagement between and among civil society organizations (CSOs) and government, and other stakeholders, for FAO policy discussion and decision making at the regional level in APRC process; and towards concrete collaboration and action at national level; (2) promote dialogue and participation of small-scale and family farmers’ organizations and members of civil society (according to the Guidelines for Ensuring Balanced Representation of Civil Society in FAO Meetings and Processes) in the FAO Regional Conference; and, (3) produce concrete and specific interventions to the debates of each APRC agenda item.

Forty-three (43) representatives of twenty-six (26) different constituencies including small farmers, landless, agricultural workers, fishers and fish workers, pastoralists and herders, forest dwellers, ethnic minorities and indigenous peoples, urban poor, consumers, NGOs, and, women and youth, participated in the event.
(AAN, Action Aid International, AFA, AOP, AsiaDHRRA, Australian Food Sovereignty Alliance, ETC Group, FAO-RAP, Farmers and Nature Network, FIMARC, Greenpeace, IFOAM International, International Indian Treaty Council, Maejo University, MIJARC,PAKISAMA, NGO Coordination Committee, Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum, SEAFISH, SEARICE, Self-Employed Women’s Association, Sustainable Agriculture Foundation, Thailand Coastal Aquaculture Fishery, and, Inland Fishery of Banlearm District in Phetchaburi Province, Tarayana Foundation, URGENCI, Vietnam Gardeners Associations)
AsiaDHRRA country partner ThaiDHRRA, together with Assembly of the Poor, and, Sustainable Development Foundation, co-organized the event.
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