Asiadhrra tapped to draft the report on ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) Blueprint

ASCC Review - photo by Brunei Times
Delegation members at the meeting discussed the draft report prepared by the Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA), providing feedback and suggestions, aiming to consolidate recommendations for the Senior Officials Committee of the ASCC (SOCA) and ASCC consideration at scheduled meetings from September 24 to 26.
The Permanent Secretary reiterated the importance of the report, which regional leaders will scrutinise at the 23rd ASEAN Summit hosted by Brunei in October. “The ASCC Blueprint represents the core of what the ASCC is doing. Submitting the report to Leaders this year will show how much the ASCC has done in our united purpose to achieve ‘One Vision, One Identity, One Community’ by 2015,” he said.
Full news article at  Brunei Times here …..


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