AsiaDHRRA statement of concern on the serious violation of Human Right in Korea.

AsiaDHRRA, a network of social development organization focusing on rural development in south east Asia, joins the international civil society organization in expressing our deep concern regarding the crackdown of protesters happening in South Korea . We are sad to note the government has not been sensitive to the voice of the people. The current Korean government’s behavior is going against the stream of public opinion and the call for democracy.


We express our support to your cause and pray for the success of your protest through active and peaceful means.


We recognize your vigilance by keeping up the Candlelight Vigil Protest up to now, and carefully watching the actions of the government under the leadership of the new -president particularly on the issue of U.S. beef imports striving suppress demonstrator opposing for the full resumption of by violence.    


We appeal to the Korean Government to listen to the sentiment of its people and stop the violation of the Freedom of political assembly and association. 


We appeal to the Korean Government to listen to the sentiment of its people and ensure that the exercise of peoples rights for the freedom of political assembly and association are observed and protected.


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