Asiadhrra shares experiences on helping farmer's organizations provide better services to their members

The proceedings of the Third Global Meeting of the Farmer’s Forum can now be accessed here.  Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Asiadhrra Secretary General was a panelist on the forum entitled “How to help farmers’ organisations provide adequate services to their members?” where she presented Asiadhrra’s experiences:
Asia DHRRA is a regional partnership of networks and organizations in ten Asian countries that supports and provides opportunities for rural leaders, both farmers and development workers, to enhance their knowledge, skills and attitudes. Regionally, their services look at accompanying farmers’ organizations in strengthening their organizational base, which is essential in ensuring their empowerment and sustainability. The support provided follows a programmatic intervention adapted to their organizational growth from formation to institutionalization and consolidation. At the national level, Asia DHRRA support to the development of rural enterprises takes into account the various stages of capacity-building of farmers’ organizations, which starts along tenurial improvement. Their linking small-farmers’ market programme provides focused services to farmers’ organizations and partner organizations using the value-chain approach.
Continue reading the report of the Third Global Meeting of the Farmer’s Forum (PDF)….


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