Asiadhrra participates in the FAO RAP Forum on Food Security

Asiadhrra is set to participate in a forum on food security sponsored by FAO RAP. The Forum entitled, “Nutrition-Sensitive Food Production Systems for Sustainable Food Security” will take place on December 7-8, 2011 in Bangkok, Thailand, at Conference Hall of the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.
Asiadhrra will be joined by participants composed of Senior-level officials from Ministries of Agriculture and other related government institutions responsible for food security and nutrition; Regional economic communities; Civil society organizations and private sector representatives;  UN Agencies, donors and development partners; International and regional financial institutions and Academia and research institutions
“The main objective of the Forum is to broadly discuss issues associated with hunger and malnutrition with a particular emphasis on nutrition-sensitive agricultural development and food-based nutrition approaches, review past and ongoing interventions and policies, share experiences and lessons learned, and identify way forward to promote nutrition-sensitive agriculture for improving nutrition. The increased consultation among all actors involved in food and nutrition security will achieve greater complementary and coordination in strategic planning and action.”


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