AsiaDHRRA participates in the ASEAN Ministerial Dialogue on SDG

ASEAN Ministerial Meeting
20 September 2021 via Zoom – AsiaDHRRA participates in the “ASEAN Ministerial Dialogue on Accelerating Actions to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals”, which intends to gather the ministers in charge of the national development planning agencies in each ASEAN Member States. The Dialogue aims to provide a venue for the ministers to share views and discuss key policy issues on realizing the ASEAN Community Vision 2025 and the attainment of the SDGs. In addition, the Dialogue will allow the participants to discuss and exchange views on development policies with experts and relevant stakeholders.
This continuing strategic engagement strengthens the partnership of AsiaDHRRA with ASEAN, already fulfilling an important role in providing policy support to ASEAN’s cooperation on Rural Development and Poverty Eradication, and in bringing various stakeholders particularly Rural Peoples’ Organization into ASEAN consultative platforms; and, opens opportunities for the network to engage ASEAN member states and the ASEAN mechanisms to advocate the strengthening of rural communities’ resilience, by amplifying the voices of the rural organizations in the decision-making processes at both policy and program levels, to influence, impact, and achieve SDGs, and, rural development.

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