Asiadhrra participates in the 4th Farmers Forum

IFAD 4th Farmers ForumMs. Marlene Ramirez, representing the Asiadhrra network, joined the Fourth Meeting of the Farmers Forum (FAFO)  held on Feburary 20-21, 2012 at the IFAD Headquarters in Rome, Italy.
The Farmers’ Forum “is an on-going, bottom-up process of consultation and dialogue between small farmers’ and rural producers’ organizations (FOs), IFAD and governments, focused on agricultural and rural development and poverty reduction. The Forum is rooted in concrete partnerships and collaborations at the country and regional levels. The Farmers’ Forum was born in 2005 and it meets every two years for a global consultation, in conjunction with the Governing Council of IFAD.
The Fourth Farmers’ Forum highlighted the importance of the participation of the youth in agriculture by  “inviting young farmers and representatives of rural youth movements [to the meeting]… share experiences and views of young rural people from different regions and to contribute to the formulation of successful policies and programmes.
More info on the Fourth Farmers’ Forum here….


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