AsiaDHRRA Joins in the 4th ASEAN Climate Resilience Network Meeting in Bali

Bali, Indonesia (April 25, 2018) —AsiaDHRRA participated in the 4th ASEAN Climate Resilience Network (CRN) Meeting that was concluded on 25 April 2018 in Bali, Indonesia.
Through the collaborative work of representatives from the ASEAN member states (AMS) and development partners present, agreement on concrete regional strategies to continue advancing climate change related joint responses in the agriculture sector were put forward.
Action plan focused on the five areas of governance, adaptation, mitigation, finance and monitoring. Among the strategies identified were regional knowledge exchanges on climate smart agriculture (CSA), adaptation and mitigation planning and implementation, as well as on tools for monitoring agriculture and ecosystem based adaptation.
To further accelerate the implementation of the action plan, AsiaDHRRA committed to contribute to efforts of scaling up the CSA by: highlighting the importance of agriculture in climate change debates and action; engaging for the call for greater convergence among three ASEAN sectors —environment, agriculture, and rural development; collaborating with cross-sectors and multi-stakeholders; and integrating participation of local peoples’ association and CSOs in this process.


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