Asiadhrra participates in IYFF-WCC activities in 37th FAO Conference

Asiadhrra, represented by Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Secretary General, is set to participate in two important meetings related to the campaign for an International Year of Family Farming (IYFF).
As a member of World Consultative Committee of the IYFF, Asiadhrra will participate in the first meeting of the committee to be held in Rome on 30 June 2011.  The WCC is composed of two representatives from Farmers Organizations and Rural Development Organizations from various continents namely Asia, America, Africa, and Europe. Among other concerns, the WCC will present updates on the IYFF campaign, discuss new campaign guidelines  and draft recommendations concerning the Campaign’s future initiatives.  With the campaign gaining ground in Rome,  the next campaign milestone will be its eventual declaration during the UN Assembly by the end of the year in New York.
Asiadhrra will also participate in the 37th FAO Conference Side Event entitled “Campaign in Favour of the International Year of Family Farming” to be held on 1 July, 2011 at 12:00h-13:30h in Philippines’ Room-FAO Roma.
The WCC will update the FAO conference participants on the IYFF Campaign and a dialogue process will take place. For more information about the IYFF Campaign,  visit


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