Asiadhrra participates in international agri seminar on FO participation

Asiadhrra was invited to present on  the involvement of farmers’ organizations in public programs during the International Agricultural Seminar entitled “How to Better Involve Farmers’ Organizations in Agricultural Public Programs? “ held on November 28th-29th2012, at the Auditorium International,  International Trade Union House Boulevard du Roi Albert II, No. 5 / 2 B-1210 Brussels.  The event was organized by Collectif Stratégies Alimentaires (CSA).
Ms. Marlene Ramirez, Asiadhrra Secretary-General  presented the highlights of the Knowledge Management Learning Session that was recently co-organized together with AFA, CSA, and FNN.
Asia participation was also through Mr. Dinh Nguyen of the Vietnam Farmers’ Union (VNFU) and Mr. Cesar Belangel of PAKISAMA, a national farmers’ federation in the Philippines.

Download the PPT (right click, “save link as…”): Supporting Inclusive Planning of country projects financed by (GAFSP) – Asiadhrra presentation
Download the Seminar Program
Visit CSA website..


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