AsiaDHRRA organized a series of MEAL workshop to farmers’ organizations


The Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Areas (AsiaDHRRA) organized a series of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, and Learning (MEAL) workshop for its partner DHRRAs and farmers’ organization (FO) in the region on 24, 28, and 31 of October 2022 via zoom conference.  The session’s objective is to review and orient the DHRRAs and FOs on the vital requirement of Farmers’ Organization for Asia (FO4A) reporting, specifically on leveling off their understanding of templates, forms, and contents.  It also aimed to identify a focal point for each FO as part of the technical working group to respond to consolidating and reviewing FO4A reports.  Most importantly, the workshop targets the internal timetable for report submission to AsiaDHRRA from the FO level.

It was recommended during the workshop to increase the visibility and communication from FOs about their activities with an emphasis on using social media.  Moreover, the discussion decided on a specific and convenient social media application per country partner.

The meeting was joined by 25 participants from the AsiaDHRRA secretariat, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam, and interpreted in English, Bahasa Indonesia, and Viet.


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