AsiaDHRRA network tests new web databank

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Online via Zoom – AsiaDHRRA network including the secretariat, and national DHRRAs: CamboDHRRA, DHRRA Malaysia, Indonesia, LaoDHRRA, MyanDHRRA, PhilDHRRA, ThaiDHRRA, and VietDHRRA convened for the AsiaDHRRA Web Databank User Acceptance Testing and Training on 8 June 2021 via Zoom.

Some thirty-four (34) participants (with which 50% are youth) joined the testing-training activity together with the tech team/developers, with a focus on hands-on training and feedbacking of the databank.

The Databank is a web-based organizational management system that houses major monitoring and evaluation tools of the network, securely stores encoded data, and processes it for accountability and learning purposes.

More so, it is one of ReCoERDO Program’s target results which is to establish a functional regional information system, which will provide relevant and timely information to the management and stakeholders for better decision making, strategizing, and networking.

The current databank reflects only the functions and features carried for the first phase of the development. Other behaviors ad technicalities that may not be present yet are parked for the next phases of development, with the hopes and aims for new projects and funding support.




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