AsiaDHRRA network members gather for a Successor Generation Workshop

Tagaytay City, Philippines – AsiaDHRRA gathered 51 participants representing members of regional secretariat, and, DHRRA Board members, executives, and, secondliners, for a 3-day Workshop on Successor Generation Program for AsiaDHRRA Network on 22-24 July 2019 at Canyon Woods Resort Club, Tagaytay City, Philippines.

Members of AsiaDHRRA Council of Elders/Leaders, including Dwi Astuti, Christina Liamzon, Paul Sinnappan, Marimuthu Nadason, Soetrisno Kusumohadi, and, Bui Quan Toan, as well as Corazon “Dinky” Juliano-Soliman—who served as workshop’s lead facilitator—were also present during the workshop. One of the highlights of the event was the conversation with the Council of Elders/Leaders, which allowed for intergenerational sharing of vision, experiences, and, goals for the network.

The participants, based on current realities, experiences in the implementation of network’s strategic plan, and, shared aspiration, pondered on the kind of leadership needed to advance and sustain the work of the network. At the end of the sessions, AsiaDHRRA regional secretariat and the national DHRRAs were able to draft a succession planning roadmap for the succeeding years.


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