AsiaDHRRA meets with FAO-RAP to discuss Gender Mainstreaming agenda

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9 February 2022 (via online) – AsiaDHRRA meets with FAO-RAP to discuss further cooperation and initiatives building on to the progress of “ASEAN scoping study for gender mainstreaming in rural development and poverty eradication”, an initiative  between AsiaDHRRA and FAO that is currently being embedded in the Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI) project.

AsiaDHRRA opened the possibilities to (1) Organize regional/national meeting or workshop of women’s rural organizations including those organized by the AMS to present and discuss the RAI in coordination and co-organizing  with AFF agri ministries.  The potential trajectory and or plans of this group should lay the ground for a regional network of rural women /farmers orgs to develop a women’s voice in agri development. A gender capacity building for this group is also most wanting, which may run in parallel (or the same) to activity 2 below.  Meanwhile, Regional Workshop/s are directed towards inputting to specific regional policy or program as entry points; (2) Gender capacity building of the regional (may include ASSC PEGD and its gender experts/cadre) and national DHRRAs and its partners. The current capacity building happening in 3 pilot countries can be continued/expanded at the current countries to include non-DHRRA members (specifically the women/youth national platform/s) or extend similar work to cover other countries such a Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia.  The  series of workshops on gender in agriculture may include compilation of good practices to promote gender equality in agri in AMS; and (3) Info dissemination on RAI among gender focal points and agricultural extension /development officers. This may take the form of online campaign anchored on a comprehensive Knowledge Management on Gender in AGRAI in ASEAN, investing in women in agri in ASEAN, and contributing to the targeted gender community of practice of ASEAN.


  1. Supporting other stakeholder platforms and mechanisms in relation to RDPE & AMAF gender mainstreaming agenda.
  2. Strengthening of platforms for rural women organizations
  3. Proposed milestones areas: Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam (also Farmers organizations for Asia (FO4A) and Digital Village Initiative (DVI) project areas)



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