AsiaDHRRA joins the WCC meeting for UNDFF


AsiaDHRRA joins in the World CSOs Coordination Committee (WCC) meeting for the United Nations Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF), led by the World Rural Forum (WRF) on 27 April 2021, via Zoom.

The online meeting discussed the (a) Current situation of implementation of the UNDFF and next steps in the regional and global levels where AsiaDHRRA shared that the UNDFF campaign is being strengthened especially in the ASEAN region with the ongoing development of the ASEAN Rural Development and Poverty Eradication (RDPE) 5-year plan, as specifically intervened by Cambodia and the Philippines. The meeting also opened the (2) Proposal to enhance the International and Regional Instruments to defend and promote the interests of Family Farmers where AsiaDHRRA put forward the current programming being taken by AsiaDHRRA with FAO, the Responsible Agricultural Investments (RAI) where the framework of UNDFF agenda is implanted and being implemented in 6 South East Asian Countries. The (3) WRF Global Conference on Family Farming and Food Systems and other issues were also discussed.


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