AsiaDHRRA joins the UNDFF 2019-2020 Technical Meeting

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Online via Zoom – AsiaDHRRA joins the United Nations Decade of Family Farming: Leveraging on successful results to scale-up implementation towards sustainable fo systems technical meeting on the UNDFF reporting 2019-2020, which will run virtually on 27-28 May 2021.

The 2-day meeting aims to:
1. to complement information collected during the data collection exercise for reporting about the
results of the first biennium;

2. to discuss good practices, successful experiences and concrete policy solutions implemented for
the support of family farming, which have emerged since launching the UNDFF;

3. to identify emerging successful approaches, experiences and policy solutions to scale up and scale out for the support of family farming in the coming years of the UNDFF and beyond;

4. to highlight the key emerging policy/technical solutions for family farming and reflect on how these areas connect and contribute to sustainable agri-food systems transformation;

5. to showcase and discuss the key services and activities carried out by Family Farmers’
Organizations (FFOs) and reflect on their priority needs and proposals to focus the implementation in the coming years of the UNDFF and beyond; and

6. to increase involvement and engagement in the UNDFF of relevant actors/constituencies that have not been directly reached so far, by reflecting on how to address their priorities and their needs.

Participants  from  UNDFF International Steering Committee (ISC) Members; organizations and networks of family farmers including peasants, indigenous peoples, pastoralists,
fishers, mountain farmers, women, youth, and other groups of food producers (at the national, regional, and global levels; representatives from relevant governmental agencies and entities; members of National Committees of Family Farming (NCFF) and other multi-stakeholder platforms for family farming-related policy dialogue; NGOs, Research and Academic Institutions; officers from RBAs headquarters (FAO, IFAD, and WFP), and Officers from FAO and IFAD Decentralized Offices; and other relevant actors at the national, regional and global levels are present in the event.


Background of the UNDFF (from FAO/IFAD secretariat)

The UN Decade of Family Farming (UNDFF) serves as a framework for countries to develop public policies and investments to support family farming and contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). FAO and IFAD have been called to support the implementation of the UNDFF through the established joint FAO/IFAD Secretariat.

The UNDFF addresses family farming from a holistic perspective for rural poverty eradication, in all its forms and dimensions, while giving family farmers a central and leading role in the transition towards more sustainable agri-food systems and societies. To guarantee a sustainable agri-food systems transformation, the design of family farming-centred, coherent, cross-sectoral policies, concurrently addressing the environmental, economic and social dimensions of agricultural and rural development, is fundamental.

The Global Action Plan of the UNDFF (GAP) is organized into seven pillars. Indicative actions presented under the pillars provide guidance to all actors in developing plans, policies and strategies at different levels. Given the extensive heterogeneity of family farms around the world, general policy prescriptions are unlikely to be relevant to all family farmers. To support family farming effectively, it is necessary to consider particular geographic and socio-economic specificities and to develop context-specific interventions focused on the explicit features of the relevant family farmer groups which take into account the specific needs of women, men and youth.

To this end, the GAP envisages the creation of 100 National Action Plans for Family Farming (NAPs) by 2024. NAPs are contextualized frameworks of action at the national level for the support of family farming, which promote inter-institutional cooperation aimed at the integration of specific family farmers’ issues into policies and strategies related to the wider food and agricultural, social and environmental sectors. To support the implementation of the UNDFF at the country level, FAO stands ready to provide technical support at all stages of the NAP development and implementation process.

As defined in UN Resolution (§ 5), the FAO/IFAD Joint Secretariat of the UNDFF will provide biennial reports to the UN Secretary-General, to inform the UN General Assembly of the overall progress made on the implementation of UNDFF and on the related SDGs. The first report of the UNDFF implementation informs on all these actions carried out in 2019-20, and will be submitted to the UNGA by the UN Secretary-General in October 2021. For developing the report on the UNDFF implementation, the FAO/IFAD Joint Secretariat of the UNDFF launched a global consultation to collect information on the relevant activities carried out in the framework of the UNDFF at different levels and by different actors.


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