AsiaDHRRA joins the Force For Good kickoff of JP Morgan


14 February 2022 (via online) – AsiaDHRRA joins the JPMorgan Chase & Co. Force for Good team during the program kickoff held online on 14 February 2022.

The Force for Good builds on the earlier collaboration of AsiaDHRRA with JPMC  in the Code for Good program which aims to find digital solutions and/or applications that will be of value to priority programs of non-profit organizations.

In the Code for Good, AsiaDHRRA worked in a hackathon with JPMC technical representatives, volunteers and coders, and came up with an innovative technology solutions for the improvement of AsiaDHRRA Databank –  a progressive automated web-based organizational management system that was developed with the bigger aspiration of centralizing the vital data of the entire network. In the Force for Good, JPMC will support AsiaDHRRA in an 8–month long implementation of the innovation.

AsiaDHRRA sets Agricultural Digitalization as one of its major building blocks in achieving its networkwide Strategic Action Plan 20212025. It targets advancing and innovating the networks governance, competency, and services as a reliable development actor for sustainable rural development and poverty eradication in the Asian region. It aims to further respond to rapidly changing developing contexts, especially the swift transition to digitalization, and commits to ushering the rural communities, especially its partnerRPOs and CSOs, in this new development trajectory. AsiaDHRRA shall focus its support to RPOs and localCSOs in understanding and appreciating agricultural digitalization and accessing digital technologies that primarily support their daytoday organizational management towards more efficient and effective participation in their respective value chains.


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