AsiaDHRRA joins the ASEAN Conference on Policy and Governance for Climate-Smart Land Use

AsiaDHRRA joins the ASEAN Conference on Policy and Governance for Climate-Smart Land Use on 16-18 November 2021.
AsiaDHRRA hosted the Session on Territorial Development Approach to Climate-Smart Land Use. The general objective of the session is to increase awareness and knowledge on governance frameworks and models for climate-smart land use.
Marlene Destreza Ramirez (Secretary General) presented the territorial development and the ASEAN 2021-2025 Rural Development and Poverty Eradication Framework Action Plan (RDPE FAP), focusing on how territorial development approach is embedded in the RDPE action plan as strategy for rural transformation.
Affan Firmansyah (Program Officer, Country Focal Person for Indonesia, Malaysia, and Vietnam) discsussed about scaling-up community organizing and education for natural farming systems, focusing on the experience of self-reliant communities in Indonesia in developing the capacities of farmers’ organisations in natural farming systems as a CSA practices.
Roberto Ballon (COMFAS Chairperson, 2021 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee) shared on organised mangrove reforestation in the Philippines, showcasing a multi-level partnership and governance mechanism bringing together government agencies, fisherfolk organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to reforest mangrove areas and practise sustainable fishery production in Zamboanga Sibugay, Philippines.

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