AsiaDHRRA joins JPMorgan’s code for good

8-9 October 2021 – AsiaDHRRA joins JPMorgan Chase & Co. global hackathon.
AsiaDHRRA collaborates with JPMC in the area of INNOVATION through their Tech for Social Good program, which aims to lift up communities around the world through the power of people and technology.

For the first part of the innovative engagement, AsiaDHRRA Challenge Statement was brainstormed by data science specialist – student volunteers, accompanied by JPMC employees as their mentors, in a 24-hour Code for Good challenge hackathons at their global technology centers.
From the final four (4) teams, one (1) was selected as the most innovative solution addressing the Challenge Statement posed by AsiaDHRRA, which is to offer data-driven programs and services to our members, partners, and other stakeholders, and gear towards putting our Farmer Organizations in the driver’s seat, through the digital technology ecosystem.

Advancing AsiaDHRRA Strategic Action Plan for 2021-2025, Goal 3(INNOVATE)

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