Asiadhrra joins in launching AgriCord Philippine Network

AgriCord Philippine Network
Asiadhrra together with fellow Agri-agencies will launch the AgriCord Philippine Network during the workshop entitled  “Social Solidarity Economy: How family farmers benefit from it” which takes takes on October 16, 2013 at the University of the Philippines College of Social Work and Community Development (UP- CSWCD) Room 301 and 302.
The workshop will showcase family farmers’ successes of building social solidarity economies. Selected cases from our network of farmers’ associations on pursuing social enterprises covering aspects of employment generation, enterprise development and market integration will be presented. From the cases, AgriCord partners will do an analysis on sustainability and best practices. Invited to the workshop with AgriCord partners and representatives of the Agri-Agencies are key stakeholders of the network from Government, CSOs, multinational organizations and donors.
The Agri-Agencies’ workshop is organized as part of the 5th RIPESS International Meeting on Social Solidarity Economy (SSE) on October 15-18 co-organized by the Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of Social Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) and the Asian Solidarity Economy Council (ASEC).
To be hosted for the first time in Asia, the event’s theme is “Building SSE as an alternative model of development.” Several topics on SSE will be discussed during the 1st day by international solidarity economy experts. On October 16-17, participating organizations will conduct their own “self-organized activities” (SOA). The last day, October 18, will be devoted for synthesis including presentation of specific commitments, actions and goals for 2014-2017.
Asiadhrra will present its experience of creating market access for calamansi producers in the country.  It will focus on addressing annual over supply of fresh calamansi fruits at the production level.
About Agricord
Agricord is a global network of Agri-Agencies or non-governmental organizations for development cooperation mandated by their country national farmers’ associations, of which five are implementing programs in the Philippines, particularly Agriterra, Asiadhrra, CSA, WeEffect and Trias.


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