AsiaDHRRA joins FAORAP Conference

AsiaDHRRA actively participated in the recently concluded 29th Regional Conference for Asia and The Pacific (FAORAP Conference) held last  March  26-31, in Bangkok, Thailand.
The Rural Development Working Group composed of AsiaDHRRA  AFA, Action Aid, East Asia Working Group, Focus on the Global South, Pesticide Action Network in Asia and the Pacific (PAN AP), Philippine NGO Coalition for Food Sovereignty (PNLS Phils), Southeast Asian Council for Food Security and Fair Trade (SEACON), and Third World Network (TWN) presented a common statement during the conference which outlined the CSO’s analysis and recommendations  on the issues of water, agribusiness in the context of globalization, aid for trade, FAO reform.
The RDWG delegation was able to build partnership linkages with senior FAORAP officials, generate positive support from government representatives on the interventions made by CSOs In the assessment made by the RDWG last April 20, it was noted that engagement with FAO is still relevant but it should be linked closely to the advocacies being made at the national level, The RDWG recognizes the primacy of the solid work at the country level and the complementary role of advocacy at the regional and international level to institutions that influences or put pressure on national policies.
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